New AP Review Books
By Dennis Urban
on Sunday, September, 18th, 2016 in advanced placement review, ap bio, ap calc, ap macro, ap psych, apush.
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By Dennis Urban
on Sunday, September, 18th, 2016 in advanced placement review, ap bio, ap calc, ap macro, ap psych, apush.
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Long Island Regents Prep is excited to announce the publication of our new AP Review Books. Each book includes nearly 500 practice AP questions with detailed answer explanations. You can find them on Amazon!
Feel free to contact us with any questions you have about our AP Review Books.
Good luck with the new school year!
By Dennis Urban
on Friday, February, 12th, 2021 in Uncategorized.
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We’re excited to offer students two different options for AP Review this year!
Get a thorough review of your AP course with our Six Hour Review course. This is the online version of our most popular review course, which will carefully review the entire course from 9am to 4pm on Saturday before the AP exam
We’re also offering AP Crash Course, a last-chance review held the evening before each AP exam, from 5pm to 9pm.
Our online classes will be offered via Google Classroom. Students and parents will receive links and instructions before the course.
Online AP Review Classes cost $130 for the 4-hour crash course and $190 for the 6-hour weekend course.
Here are the online AP courses we’re offering:
By Dennis Urban
on Monday, March, 30th, 2020 in Uncategorized.
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Although we have decided to cancel our AP Review Classes this year due to Covid-19, we at Long Island Regents Prep want to provide our students with the best available resources to prepare for the upcoming exams. Many valuable online resources are freely available to students. Here are a few resources that we reviewed:
College Board Updates for Students – First and foremost, students should regularly check the College Board website for news and updates. On April 3, students will be able to find the two exam date options on this site. In addition, the College Board offers daily livestream courses broken down into key topic areas. Each online lesson is recorded for students who miss the live class.
Khan Academy – Like the College Board, the Khan Academy provides online lectures for all AP courses. The courses are broken down into more detailed topics and each key area includes a practice quiz. The website is full of visuals and allows students to keep track of their progress.
Kaplan Free AP Practice – Students can access unit outlines and test-taking tips. The site also includes support for the free-response questions, which will be the focus of most of the revised AP exams. Kaplan is currently offering one month of free access, too.
Varsity Tutors – The free testing system is available for students to test their knowledge in each subject area. There are multiple free exams available and each is rated by the level of difficulty to allow students to track their progress. The website also includes flashcards and other valuable test prep resources.
AP Study Notes – Students studying AP courses in the humanities (English and social studies) can access free exams, sample essays, course/topic outlines, and key terms. The website is easy to navigate and registration is not required.
Some of the other websites with free AP Exam resources include:
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While none of these sites can replace face-to-face instruction, they are wonderful alternatives during this prolonged closure. As always, we are here to answer any of the questions of our customers.
By Dennis Urban
on Wednesday, March, 25th, 2020 in Uncategorized.
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Dear Parents and Students:
We’re reaching out to give you an update on our spring review sessions. Most importantly, we hope that you and your loved ones are safe and in good health during the COVID-19 outbreak.
With Long Island schools closed for at least two weeks, we have canceled our March ACT review class, and students have been refunded. Our April SAT review class has also been canceled because of the College Board’s cancelation of May’s SAT exam, and registered students will receive refunds.
Although the situation is fluid and circumstances change daily, we are planning to move forward with our scheduled review sessions in May and June. We do understand, however, that some of our review classes may be disrupted. To that end, we want to assure you that if Long Island Regents Prep needs to cancel a class for which you are registered, you will receive a full refund.
In the meantime, we will continue taking registrations for our AP, Regents, and SAT review classes in May and June. We will also extend our early-bird registration prices until April 15th.
In addition, to help students study at home during the COVID-19 crisis, Long Island Regents Prep is offering its AP Review Books at a discounted price. Our Kindle ebooks will be $5 and paperbacks will be $10 for the remainder of the school year. We offer review books for AP US History, AP Biology, AP Calculus, AP Macroeconomics, and AP Psychology. Each review book has hundreds of practice questions with detailed answers. You can click the following link for more information and to purchase through Amazon:
As Long Island Regents Prep enters its 11th year of business at Farmingdale State College, we’d like to thank you for your support and patience during this challenging time, and we wish you and your family good health in the coming weeks.
Dennis Urban
Brad Seidman
Michael Graziosi
Owners, Long Island Regents Prep
By Dennis Urban
on Friday, February, 7th, 2020 in advanced placement, advanced placement review, ap bio, ap calc, ap exams, ap macro, ap psych, apush.
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We now offer AP test questions on Teacher Pay Teachers
Long Island Regents Prep is excited to announce that we are now offering thousands of exam questions and answer explanations for AP United States History, AP Psychology, AP Biology, AP Calculus AB, and AP Macroeconomics on Teachers Pay Teachers marketplace.
Each package of test questions features 400-500 Advanced Placement multiple-choice questions, organized by topic and difficulty level, and there are full answer explanations for every question. Plus, everything is in a Microsoft Word file, which is editable, so teachers can create their own unit tests, quizzes, and review activities. All test questions were written by experienced, certified AP teachers.
Visit our storefront at Teachers Pay Teachers for more information and to purchase test packages; you can also download a free sample test here! And, don’t forget to register for our AP Review Classes to get the edge on this year’s exams.
Test Question Packages:
AP Psychology Exam Questions and Answers for Unit Tests, Quizzes, Review
AP Biology Exam Questions and Answers for Unit Tests, Quizzes, Review
AP Calculus AB Exam Questions and Answers for Unit Tests, Quizzes, Review
AP Macroeconomics Exam Questions and Answers for Unit Tests, Quizzes, Review
AP US History Exam Questions and Answers for Unit Tests, Quizzes, Review
By Dennis Urban
on Tuesday, April, 9th, 2019 in global, regents, Regents Review, regents review classes.
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This spring, the New York State Education Department will offer two examinations for students taking Global History & Geography. The first examination will be on Monday, June 3, and will follow the new course framework. This new exam will contain roughly 30 stimulus-based questions, a constructed-response short-answer question, and an enduring issues essay. Many high schools on Long Island are having their students take the transition examination which requires students to write both a thematic essay and a DBQ essay in addition to 30 stimulus-based questions That examination is being offered on Thursday, June 20. When selecting the appropriate review course for your sophomore-aged child, please consider the exam they are taking. If you are not sure, please contact your child’s social studies teacher.
Some schools are allowing students to take both exams. In that case, we suggest you consult with your son/daughter to determine which exam he/she most needs to review for. Luckily, we are offering review sessions for both exams. You can find out more by visiting our website,
By Dennis Urban
on Thursday, March, 14th, 2019 in Uncategorized.
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Long Island Regents Prep Announces 2019 Regents, AP, SAT, and ACT Review Classes
Farmingdale, New York (February 25, 2019): Long Island Regents Prep, a local tutoring and test prep company that is owned and operated by Long Island high school teachers, is celebrating its tenth year in business this spring. Founded in 2009, Long Island Regents Prep offers affordable Regents, Advanced Placement, SAT, and ACT review classes at Farmingdale State College. In addition, Long Island Regents Prep hires only experienced, current New York State-certified teachers to design and teach its courses.
Long Island Regents Prep was founded in 2009 by Michael Graziosi, Brad Seidman, and Dr. Dennis Urban, full-time social studies teachers in the Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District. After preparing thousands of their own students for end-of-year exams, Graziosi, Seidman, and Urban understood that students sometimes needed test preparation beyond what was offered in the classroom, but private tutors can be prohibitively expensive. They created affordable, one-day review courses for Regents and Advanced Placement exams to help students review major course topics, practice test questions, and learn test-taking. The company has also published a series of Advanced Placement review books, with nearly 2,500 practice questions and answer explanations, which are available for sale on Amazon.
In 2014, Long Island Regents Prep launched its SAT Crash Course program, followed by its ACT Crash Courses in 2017, to provide one-day SAT and ACT review sessions at a fraction of the cost of larger companies and private tutors. The company’s SAT/ACT Program Director, Joshua Fialkow, who is a certified teacher and a master tutor, developed original review books for the courses, which have attracted students from all over Long Island.
Since 2009, Long Island Regents Prep has served more than 5,000 students from Suffolk County, Nassau County, and New York City, and its enrollment has grown significantly every year. The company’s success is largely due to word-of-mouth
Regents Review Classes: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Chemistry, Earth Science, Living Environment, Physics, Global History and Geography, United States History and Government.
AP Review Classes: AP United States History, AP European History, AP World History, AP Calculus AB, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science.
SAT Crash Course
ACT Crash Course
Farmingdale State College (Gleeson Hall)
2350 Broad Hollow Road
Farmingdale, NY 11735
Visit for more information and to register for classes.
Contact Us:
Long Island Regents Prep
P.O. Box 1021
Bellmore, NY 11710
Call: (516) 847-1265
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @RegentsPrep\
By Dennis Urban
on Wednesday, August, 1st, 2018 in Uncategorized.
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Dr. Dennis Urban, a social studies teacher at John F. Kennedy High School in Bellmore, has been named the 2018 New York History Teacher of the Year, an award presented annually by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History.
Dr. Dennis Urban, co-owner of Long Island Regents Prep, named NY History Teacher of the Year.
The History Teacher of the Year award highlights the crucial importance of history education by honoring exceptional American history teachers from elementary school through high school. The award honors one K-12 teacher from each state, the District of Columbia, Department of Defense schools and US territories. In fall 2018, the National History Teacher of the Year will be selected from the pool of state winners.
Urban, who lives in Massapequa Park, has taught social studies at John F. Kennedy High School since 2003. He teaches AP U.S. History, United States History and Government (Inclusive/Collaborative), Historical Research, Participation in Government, and Sociology. In addition, as an adjunct professor of education at Touro College, he teaches social studies methods, elementary education, history, and philosophy.
Urban received his B.A. in history from Salisbury University in Maryland, and earned his M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. in social studies education from Teachers College, Columbia University. He has published and presented on inclusive education, democratic citizenship education, social studies methods, local history, social justice and educational technology. Recently, Urban and his senior research students completed a local history book on the history of John F. Kennedy High School for the school’s 50th anniversary. The project can be found here.
In addition to a $1,000 honorarium and an award ceremony in New York, the JFK High School library will receive a core archive of American history books and Gilder Lehrman educational materials. Urban will also receive an invitation to a 2019 Gilder Lehrman Teacher Seminar, a week-long program that offers teachers daily discussions with historians, visits to historic sites and hands-on work with primary sources.
Nominations for the 2019 History Teacher of the Year awards are now open. Students, parents, colleagues, and supervisors may nominate K-12 teachers for the award by visiting The deadline for 2019 nominations is March 30, 2019.
Article courtesy of Massapequa Patch
By Dennis Urban
on Friday, January, 5th, 2018 in test prep.
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Guest article by Nicholas Randall of StudentSharp
Stress while studying can affect all of us to the point where we pace like a wound-up toy, nervously gulping coffee and browsing Facebook in an attempt to run away from it all. Luckily, that doesn’t need to be the case. Learn these 5 ways to reduce stress while studying and you’ll be on the right path to a relaxed, focused, productive workflow.
#1 Way to Reduce Stress: Green Tea
Green tea has been touted by many as a panacea for stress reduction, weight loss, cancer defense and more. One study found that participants exposed to l-theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, had lowered blood pressure compared to placebo and caffeine groups and also reported lower Tension-Anxiety scores. Also, a study from Japan showed that drinking five cups of green tea a day might reduce the incidence of psychological distress by 20 percent. The l-theanine amino acid in green tea helps promote alpha brain waves, which contribute to a relaxed, alert state of mind. Also, there’s much less caffeine in green tea than competing drinks like coffee, which make it a good choice if you’re trying to reduce caffeine for stress as we’ll cover later.
Green tea makes you feel like this
#2 Way to Reduce Stress: Meditation
Another great way to shift your brain wave patterns toward the slower, calmer alpha and theta states is through meditation. Lighter meditation practice results in alpha waves, which are a sign of deep relaxation. More advanced practice can result in theta waves, which increase a feeling of connectedness with the universe and well being. Also, meditation can decrease self-centered thinking and depression and anxiety, which can certainly help promote more focused studying. Meditation doesn’t need to be hard: all you have to do is sit or lie down comfortably, and attempt to clear out all thoughts from your mind as they come in for as little as five minutes.
Just relax like this cat
That’s mindfulness meditation- there are other types, too. So take a short break from studying and meditate to “sharpen the saw” i.e. become more efficient.
#3 Way to Reduce Stress: Exercise
Add exercise to your weeks for a stress-busting effect. Exercise releases endorphins, which basically make you feel good and reduce pain, similar to morphine. It also reduces inflammation in the brain and promotes the growth of new blood vessels and brain cells. It can improve memory and concentration, as well. Exercise can be as simple as taking a walk, or can be as involved as swimming or lifting weights. Choose what works well for you.
#4 Way to Reduce Stress: Reduce Caffeine
Some people may feel that caffeine makes them more productive, or puts them in a better mood. Actually, it’s a drug with identifiable peaks and valleys of mood and concentration, and once hooked, you rely on the drug to even feel normal. Too much caffeine increases anxiety, which is why downing those espresso shots while studying isn’t such a great idea. Also, it increases cortisol (the stress hormone)’s levels in the body, which can lead to weight gain among other complications. The common advice is to drink four or fewer cups of coffee a day, but even that much is enough to cause dependence, so be careful. I try to stick to at most two cups a day and might switch over to green tea for the long haul.
Does caffeine make you feel like this?
#5 Way to Reduce Stress: Use Fewer Technology Distractions
Do you find yourself checking your phone or your email constantly, not wanting to miss out on any notifications, likes, messages or updates? This behavior may be contributing to your stress level. A study referenced here found that students who were the most used to using their phones were the most anxious when deprived of it after only 15 minutes. Another study said about the same thing, and a large percent of responders said they didn’t like the way they were attached to technology. Besides that, being accustomed to funny/shocking/interesting material can make studying seem almost unmanageably boring, so you might consider reducing the time you spend online to promote good study habits. Check out this video that explains technology distractions and the Attention Economy:
That’s all! Did you like the list? Did you find yourself relating to any, or maybe all of it? These behaviors tend to go in tandem with each other, but the more you start establishing healthy study habits, the easier it’ll get. For my personal wellness and productivity, I follow all of the suggestions I wrote about and I know they definitely help me. Share your thoughts in the comments, or share this article if you liked it or you think it could help someone! If you’re looking for SAT Prep, check out StudentSharp’s Ultimate SAT Guide.
By Dennis Urban
on Wednesday, October, 4th, 2017 in apush, review classes, test prep, testprep.
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Recently, Long Island Regents Prep teamed up with PrepIT, an online test prep platform and marketplace where students and teachers can purchase and sell review materials. We’re licensing our AP US History, AP Macroeconomics, APPsychology, AP Calculus AB, and AP Biology material to PrepIT, and they’re available for purchase at
Their Product
PrepIT is a web based test preparation platform that serves students, teachers, and course authors. Gathering meaningful data on student performance is a time consuming task for any teacher. With the PrepIT platform teachers can create review courses for any subject and share it with their students. As students interact with the course, data is aggregated and shared back to the classroom teacher and students, providing guidance on areas to focus more attention. In addition to these features, teachers and students are able to buy pre-made courses for a variety of subjects. These courses have been written by approved authors. Last year we tested our data tools with 4,000 AP Government students and 150 teachers.
Their Team
Mike Clancy
Mike Clancy is an AP Government and AP US History teacher in Muscatine, Iowa. He has been teaching for nine years and has experience at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. His idea for PrepIT was inspired by his students love of class trivia games and the teachers need to prioritize review time on student weaknesses. Before teaching in Iowa Mike taught internationally in Vietnam, and also served as a Teach for America corps member in Kansas City, Missouri. Mike received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Northern Iowa and a Masters in Education from Rockhurst University in Missouri. Mike also completed a graduate certificate program in educational technology from SUNY, Buffalo.
TJ McDonaldhas been working in education since 1999 after earning an undergraduate degree from the University of Iowa. He
moved to North Carolina in 2001 and worked in the training group for high tech companies such as IBM and Lenovo. Eventually he became a certified program manager, PMP, at Global Knowledge which is the world’s largest learning solutions provider. During this time his client list included Fortune 500 companies such as Microsoft, Cisco, Citibank, and the New York Stock Exchange. While in North Carolina he also earned an MBA from NC State with a concentration in entrepreneurship and technology.
We Write Code
We Write Code builds outstanding digital products, but we’re more than just a good software development company. We’re passionate about helping our clients bring their ideas to life.
Our team has spent years shepherding clients and their ideas from “napkin sketch” concepts to scalable, leading-edge products. We believe the best technical solutions start with collaboration and trust. We believe in the power of well-written code, but technical excellence alone is not enough. We believe good development is interactive, flexible, and highly-personalized, with clearly defined checkpoints and frequent iterations to provide feedback and value along the way.
Based in Des Moines, Iowa, we partner with companies worldwide, both large and small. No matter the size or scope of your project—from startup product planning and early demos to ongoing development and product support—our goal is to help you define the technical challenges and build a product that best suits your business needs, both now and in the future.
We love building innovative products for our clients, and we have a lot of fun doing it. When we’re not crafting creative code, you can find us brainstorming at the nearest taco stand.
By Dennis Urban
on Wednesday, October, 4th, 2017 in global.
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Here’s some important information we received about changes to the Global History and Geography Regents next year. Going forward, our Global Regents review classes will reflect these changes.
Question: What will the June 2018 Transition Regents Examination in Global History and Geography measure? Answer: The Transition Regents Examination in Global History and Geography (Grade 10) will be based on one year of study, the NYS Learning Standards for Social Studies (1996), and the skills and content for Grade 10 found in the Social Studies Resource Guide and Core Curriculum (1998) in Units 5–8 (pages 105–120). Skills-based questions from the Methodology unit (pages 92–93) may also be included in this examination if the content of the questions relates to Units 5–8. The essays will be based on the themes on page 89 and topics in Units 5–8. This includes human and physical geography. Please note that Unit 5 (1750-1914)includes: The Scientific Revolution (Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Descartes); The Enlightenment (Locke, Voltaire, Rousseau, and Montesquieu); Independence Movements in Latin America and the post-independence period; Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions in Europe and other parts of the world; Meiji Restoration; and Imperialism
NOTE: Themes and concepts are defined on pages 8–11 and skills are presented on pages 12–18.
The Transition Regents Examination in Global History and Geography (Grade 10) will have the same three parts as the current Regents Examination in Global History and Geography (Grades 9 & 10) except that Part I will contain 30 multiple-choice questions rather than 50. Part II will contain one thematic essay question. Part III A will contain open-ended questions based on several documents, and Part III B will contain one essay question based on the documents and the student’s knowledge of specific social studies content. The 30 multiple-choice questions will be weighted so as to account for approximately 55% of the student’s final score, similar to the 50 multiple-choice questions on the current Regents Examination in Global History and Geography (Grades 9 & 10).
A test specification grid for the Transition Regents Examination in Global History and Geography (Grade 10) is available online at:
The current Regents exams in Global History and Geography can be used to help students prepare for the Transition Regents Examination in Global History and Geography. Teachers and students may look at the first few questions on the current exams as they relate to the unit on methodology. Questions from Units 5–8 usually begin around question 18, 19, or 20 on the current examinations—Scientific Revolution, French Revolution, imperialism, etc. The cross-topical questions at the end of each exam relate to material across or between units. Only those questions that relate to Units 5–8 will be on the Transition Regents Exam. When using previously administered exams for practice essays, look at thematic topics and DBQ topics that are part of the grade 10 curriculum. Previously administered Regents Examination in Global History and Geography can be found online at:
The June 2018 exam will not be based on the NYS K–12 Social Studies Framework, but will be based on the Social Studies Resource Guide and Core Curriculum (1998) and on the NYS Learning Standards (1996).
Please check the links listed above for more information regarding the upcoming changes in Global History and Geography.